
[The English text is located below the Japanese.]

Wind Band Pressでは以前にもインタビューをしている作曲家のヴィンス・ガッシさん(Vince Gassi)。


日本ではスクールバンドもコミュニティバンドも低いグレードの作品をあまり演奏しない傾向にある印象です。Wind Band Pressの関連ストア(WBP Plus!やGolden Hearts Publications)でもアクセスが多いのは高いグレードのカテゴリです。



1. 最初に、低いグレードの作品と高いグレードの作品の最も大きな違いはどのようなものだと考えているか、お伺いできますでしょうか?


2. アメリカでは吹奏楽の授業がある学校も多いと思いますが、教育的な意味で、低いグレードの作品はどのように活用されているのかお伺いできますでしょうか?


3. あなたは幅広いグレードの作品を作曲していて、低いグレードの作品も多いですね。低いグレードの作品ならではの魅力は何だと思いますか?



4. 低いグレードの作品を練習することでバンドが得られること、またそれらを演奏会のプログラムに入れることでバンドが得られるベネフィットについてどう考えているかお伺いできますでしょうか?


5. 今回のインタビューを読んで、今後は低いグレードの作品にももっと注目したいと考えるバンドもあるかもしれません。彼らに選曲と練習についてのアドバイスをいただけますでしょうか?





最新の作品は「RETROGRADE (gr. 1.5)」「COVENANT (gr. 3)」です。

2022年には「STAY TUNED (gr. 2.5)」という作品も発表される予定とのことです。

WBP Plus!でもお取り寄せ出来ますので、もし欲しい方は各ストアのお問い合わせフォームからご連絡ください。

WBP Plus!Yahoo!ショッピング店のお問い合わせフォーム

WBP Plus!楽天市場店のお問い合わせフォーム

関連商品はWind Band Pressを運営しているONSAによる下記のオンラインストアからもお探しいただけます。
→WBP Plus!楽天市場店
→Golden Hearts Publicationsオンラインストア

インタビュー・文:梅本周平(Wind Band Press)

Wind Band Press has interviewed composer Vince Gassi in the past.

In this interview, we asked him about the appeal of low grade works and how they are used in music education in the United States.

In Japan, I get the impression that both school and community bands tend not to play low grade works very often, and the Wind Band Press related stores (WBP Plus! and Golden Hearts Publications) get a lot of traffic in the high grade category.

Are lower grade works less attractive? I myself don’t think so, but I thought there might be something to be gained by listening to the thoughts of Mr. Gassi, who also composes a lot of low grade works.

So here goes!

1. First of all, would you tell me what you consider to be the most significant difference between low grade works and high grade works?

If I understand your question correctly I think the most significant difference is the level of difficulty. More specifically, the lower grade level pieces are more limited in terms of range, and rhythmic complexity, and number of sharps and flats in the key signature. For example, in a grade 1 level piece, the 2nd clarinet will not go above the break (third line Bb), will usually not include rhythms shorter than an 8th note. Key signatures are usually limited to one or two flats.

2. I know that many schools in the U.S. have wind band classes, would you tell me how low grade works are used in an educational sense?

Young musicians grow by the acquisition of greater technical proficiency and through the preparation and performance of both solo and ensemble repertoire. Instrumental Music classes in Canada and the United States focus on both. In beginning music classes, as soon as students can play three notes, I believe it is beneficial to introduce band music or music written specifically for the ensemble, which is at an appropriate level. This is where music of a lower difficulty level is needed. From then on skill and performance repertoire go hand-in-hand. Of course, listening is another essential component of a young musician’s growth.

3. You have composed works in a wide range of grades, and many of them are in low grades. What do you think is the appeal of low grade works?

I think music that is expressive is always appealing. At any level, this is what makes it fun to play and to listen to.

As an analogy, when learning a new language, we are limited in our ability to communicate by only knowing a few words. As we acquire more vocabulary through reading and life experience, we are able to communicate with more sophistication and our capacity for expression grows. It’s the same with our musical growth. It can be challenging to write expressive music at a grade one level but good performance music at this level is essential.

4. Would you tell me what you think about the benefits that bands get from practicing lower grade works, and the benefits that bands get from including them in their concert programs?

A musical work doesn’t have to be technically difficult to be musically expressive. There are many works that are not technically demanding but very expressive. Folk songs and ballads come to mind. These works not only provide an opportunity for young musicians to work on playing expressively but also provide variety in a concert program for ensembles at any level.

5. After reading this interview, some bands may want to pay more attention to lower grade works in the future. Do you have any advice for them regarding song selection and practice?

It is important and challenging to select music which is appropriate for the ensemble and also musically engaging. Everyone has their own tastes in music. I tend to prefer music that has a strong melodic component and where everyone gets to play the melody at some point. Also, it is helpful if the piece involves a musical learning moment for student ensembles. For example, perhaps the piece focuses on a particular rhythm. If the piece is one that students will be excited to play and have some energy around, that is always a good thing. You have to like the music you’re going to perform.

Interview and text by Shuhei Umemoto (Wind Band Press)


Wind Band Pressへの広告ご出稿はこちら

その他Wind Band Pressと同じくONSAが運営する各事業もチェックお願いします!

■楽譜出版:Golden Hearts Publications(Amazon Payも使えます)

■オンラインセレクトショップ:WBP Plus!








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